Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Organization Part 4

Now that the Elements Organizer is all set up lets talk about where to put the kits on your hard drive.  I have tried a couple of different approaches but I finally settled on a system that works great for me, so I will share it with you.
Open up your Documents Library and make a new file.  I named mine (0_Scrapbook stuff).  With the number 0 at the first it appears at the top of my list. I like this because then I can find it.  I then opened that file and made a new file and named it (1_Need to File) 
This is the file that I download everything too.  I extract it there and just leave it there until I am ready to move it to a permanent file then it goes into my organizer.   Here is my reasoning….  When I buy or get a new kit I am not usually going to tag it in my organizer right away so I just put it in my need to file folder.  Then at the end of every month I move all the files in my “need to file” file to a folder with the year I bought it  inside that folder is a folder for each month labeled with the year then then month. Because I am going to have many years with a January  or 01 name it need to be unique and if I put the year first that made it unique.  Also if I used numbers instead of Jan, Feb etc. they will fall in order.  Once the kits are in a permanent  place I can put them in my organizer.  You don’t want to move files once you have them in your organizer because it can’t find them and will have to search your hard drive for them. There are web-sites that told me to organize by designer or by element but that didn’t make sense to me since I am doing that in the organizer.  Also there is away…. I will show you for the organizer to take you right to the folder on your hard drive where you have stored a kit so if I ever just want to know where something is on my hard drive I can still do it.  Anyway it works for me.  Do what makes sense to you.  I know this is a bit confusing so if you have any questions just let me know.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Ok so now I really need to get myself organized. I have been reading all the ideas and now I need to put them to work. I do have one question for you, i am looking for a Calendar kit. I am really into the free thing, hee hee. so if you have any leads I would love it!