I found it worked better for me to have a catalog for my photos and one for my digital scrapbook supplies. The more you have in your organizer the slower it will run. I also did not like seeing my photo with all my digital stuff… a little OCD but I like things neat and tidy! You may like it all in the same place. It all about your personal preference I am just giving you one option
So to create a new catalog, open up your Photoshop elements organizer then go to File, Catalog You will a dialog box that looks like this
Click on New and name your new catalog… you can see that I have two catalogs “Family Pictures” and Crafts & Scrapbooking” Uncheck the box that says” Import free music into this catalog” if it is checked Your new catalog should look like this
Now you need to decide how you want to tag things. Here is an outline of how I tag my digital elements.
How I have me things Organized… RED = examples
1. Store
a. The stores Name Sweetshoppe
i. Name of Kit Birds of a Feather
2. Ideas
a. General ( I put things I find in the web here that inspire me, or I want to try)
b. Kit ( I usually will tag the kit preview here so I can just look at all my kits and see colors if I want to match a kit to colors in my pictures)
3. Seasons/ Themes (my list is crazy long pick and choose what you would use)
a. 4th of July
b. Autumn
c. Babies
d. Birthday
e. Boy
f. Camping
g. Christmas
h. Disney
i. Dog
j. Easter
k. Exercises
l. Family
m. Friend
n. Girl
o. Graduation
p. Grandma/Grandpa
q. Halloween
r. Heritage
s. Kids
t. LDS
u. Leaders/thoughts
v. Medical
w. Men/Masculine
x. Mom/ Dad
y. Music
z. New Years
aa. Nice sayings
bb. School
cc. Sipblings
dd. Spring
ee. Summer
ff. Thanksgiving
gg. Thank you
hh. Vacation
ii. Valentines
jj. Wedding
kk. Winter
4. Embellishments
a. Arrows
b. Backgrounds ( I call them backgrounds instead of papers so they will be at the top of my list here)
c. Banners
d. Bookplate
e. Borders, corners
f. Brackets
g. Buttons
h. Calendar
i. Cute stuff
j. Doodles
k. Epoxy
l. Fasteners
i. Brad
ii. Clothes pin
iii. Eyelet
iv. Gem
v. Paperclip
vi. Photo anchor
vii. Pin
viii. Ring
ix. Staples
x. string
xi. tape
m. Flair
n. Flowers and Plants
o. Frames
p. Hardware
q. Hearts
r. Journaling stuff
s. Newspaper
t. Overlay
u. Ribbons and Bows
v. Splats/scatters
w. Stiches & Patches
x. Tabs
y. Tags
z. Ters/folds
aa. Tickets
bb. Topper
cc. Words quotes/Titles
5. Colors
a. Black
b. Blue
c. Brown
d. Cardboard/craft paper
e. Clear/Acrylic
f. Copper/Metal
g. Green
h. Gray
i. Orange/rust
j. Pink
k. Purple
l. Red
m. Silver
n. Tan
o. White
p. Wood
q. Yellow/gold
r. Multi Colored
i. Dots
ii. Floral
iii. Picture
iv. Plaid
v. Stripes
6. Alpha
7. Tools
a. Brush Sets
b. Folds & Tears
c. Instructions
d. Photo Mask
e. Shapes
f. Stich Stuff
g. Styles
h. Textures
i. Word Paths
8. Crafts
a. These are different craft thing I have downloaded like a calendar, cards, etc
9. Scrapbook pgs
a. These are finished scrapbook pages… they really don’t need to be stored here but I like to.
Make an outline of how you want your elements tagged then check back here and I will help you get it all set up in the organizer.
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