I am so glad that the very first web-site I found about digital scrapbooking talked about organization. I started organizing my digital supplies right from the start and because of that I can now find that one perfect red button among my 37,237 items in my collection of digital supplies ( I know it is a bit out of control!) There are many ways to organize. At the end of this post is a link to a couple of different ways. I will detail how I do it in later posts. Find the one the works best for you. The way I organize takes a bit of work but it works for me and I love being able to find just what I need . I like being very organized maybe you would rather spend your time doing something else.
Photoshop Elements has a organizer that comes with it. There are so many programs out there that can help you organize but I already had this program so it worked for me to use it. You can also use it to organize your pictures. I would suggest however, to have separate catalogs for pictures and scrapbooking supplies. I will explain how to do that in a later post.
Here is a picture of my Elements Organizer. On the left you have all your supplies and on the right you create your own list of how you want them organized. Then you tag each item. Items can have more than one tag. As an example one item in my system would be tagged with the designer, kits name name of the object like ribbon, color. Then when I want something I just click on those tags and it will show me what I have in my stash that matches those tags. It is a bit confusing but I will go into more detail in later post. Just want you to understand the concept for now.
For more information about organizing and different ways of doing it check out this post at the Daily Digi.
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